
2012-2013 Staff

Michelle Greco - Classroom Teacher

Amy Richardson - Classroom Aide

Donna Christiansen- 1:1 Aide

Carley McCarthy - 1:1 Aide

2012-2013 Clinicians

Joanna Adamson - Speech Therapist

Ashley Oberg - OT

Erin Garrie - PT

Our Thanksgiving Bulletin Board

Our classroom is decorated with Michelle's Chickadees artwork for Thanksgiving!  Our hand prints and some of the things we are thankful for are displayed on our classroom bulletin board. We're thankful for our family and friends, our school, food, and yes, we are thankful for our toys too.  Happy Thanksgiving from our classroom to all of you!

Pumpkin Fluff Dip in Spot Group

We participated in another awesome Fall project in Spot Group, we made Pumpkin Fluff Dip that we ate with sliced apples and graham crackers.  We all worked as a team to put the ingredients together and when we were done... Yum!  Check out our hard work and the pay off at the end...

Joanna shows us all the ingredients.

In goes the pumpkin...

opening the pudding mix...

...and in it goes!

and some pumpkin pie spice...

then, stir the ingredients...

then stir some more....

... and some more

Landon whips it up!

Jonathan loves his fruit! (dip or no dip)

mmmm.... good!

OK... I'll kiss it...

The best part... licking the spatula!